Honest Review of Girls A Pean By Nic Kelman

2 min readNov 12, 2021

I know I know I am late to this but I got to it eventually, lets talk about the book on which even the Guardian commented Men Behaving Badly. Started as Nic’s MFA thesis at Brown University this book has gotten due attention because of its explicit depth of the discussions of male sexuality.

Girls A Pean By Nic Kelman

About Girls A Pean

In the first look Girls by Nic Kelman looks like any other novel but believe you me, its no ordinary novel. And unlike the title might suggest it is a book about men and it gets unsettlingly provocative and ruthless. The book hooks you in from the very first sentence as it pivots around men’s utterly cynical propensity towards success and unlike the review might suggest, the book is NOT about sex it about power.

Girl A Pean sheds light on different kinds of men and their serious exploration of identity, and power which has a very cold, hard ring of truth about it. The book is full of voices of such men which is both breathtaking and shocking to read as the writer Travels deep inside the forbidden corners of male lust of power and success because of wealth.

I learned very quickly that even when I kept no secrets from you, you still didn’t want to hear the truth.” — Nic Kelman

About Nic Kelman

Kelman as Goodreads declare is a Fiction, Arts, and Comics writer who has won appreciations and awards for his work with various genres including screenplays, novels, short stories, non-fiction, and essays for 20 years. For instance, the book under discussion Girls: A Paean has won him the James Assatly Prize for fiction there. He is also famous for his book “How to Pass as Human” which I have reviewed before.




I love action-adventure games, RPGs, and anything sci-fi!